Keto Friendly Meat Snacks

Why are pork scratchings good for keto diets? Proper pork scratchings contain little to no carbohydrates, which make them a great ketogenic diet snack. Snaffling Pig's Pork Scratchings, Pork Crackling and Porky Puffs are just three of your keto-friendly mates you might not have known you had! How often can I eat pork scratchings on keto? Pork scratchings can be super-filling because of how much protein and fat they have in them. On the other hand, eating too much protein on a low-carb diet could take you out of keto. We're not your nutritionist or doctor, so we can't tell you how often will work best for you, still, in moderation works well for us!

Popped Pork - Mix Case | Air Popped Protein Snacks

From £7.20

Big Ol' Box of Pork Crackling: 7 Flavour Selection

From £17.95

Keto Lovers Piggin' Dream


Keto Lovers Piggin' Monthly Subscription


Piggin' age check

Please confirm you are aged 18 years or older. We can't sell alcohol to piglets, obvs.